Chris and Samantha; Take Two! A Friend Filled Fall Wedding At Groveland Fairways

Ahhhh! What can I say about Sam and Chris?! I love these two so very much. I became fast friends with Sam after meeting her and Chris in early 2019 and here we are almost 3 years later and they have accomplished so much! New pup, new house, new jobs, and married… not once but TWICE! Chris and Sam officially tied the knot last year in a small ceremony at Groveland Fairways with only a small group of family. I remember them struggling with the decision of what to do, and all the stress that comes along with rescheduling a day you’ve been planning for years! I want to say just about a month before they made the call to scale it down to a few family members and then to reschedule the big celebration to next year. Well… We made it! And it was glorious! I am so happy I was able to be there for both of their gorgeous weddings. I don’t know if it was because they had been married for a year already and the hard part was over or what but, editing these photos… it’s clear that they obviously had a great first year because they were just radiating joy all day long. If there was one thing that I took away from this wedding day, it was how much Sam and Chris were loved. Family and friends gathered to celebrate with these two and showed them so much love and admiration on their big celebration day. I almost forgot that we had done it all before just a year earlier because it all felt just as exciting and just as beautiful and sweet.

I’m so blessed to know these two, somehow the stars aligned and we crossed paths and I’m so thankful for that.

Chris and Sam I love you both! Let’s do this every year ok?!